How long have you been at TBSSS?
I have been attending TBSSS since 2017.
Where do you travel from each week?
I am fortunate to be living just a short walk from the studio.
What do you do when you’re not sculpting?
When I’m not sculpting I enjoy exploring other creative interests, most recently lino cut printing, computer animation, and life drawing (this may all be an escape from my 9-5 life, which involves working in IT).
What made you take up sculpting?
As a means to hold on to the Fine Arts study I left behind many, many years ago when I had to ‘get a real job’. I enrolled in a weekend soapstone carving workshop and fell in love with stone. Despite some deviation into Hebel, wood, glass, and most recently an ongoing exploration into clay, stone has and always will be my medium.
Tell us what you are working on currently…
The main sculpture I’m working on at the moment is a limestone piece I call Joy. I began this piece in a workshop many months ago with Paul Hopmeier. This is my first work in limestone and I am finding it a pleasure to work on.
Outside of the school I’m also currently playing around with press moulds to reproduce a life study clay piece, from a workshop with Jenny Pollak I did at the end of last year.