Book now: Tom Bass Memorial Address – From the Parthenon to Picasso: How the Classical Ideal Inspired Modern Sculpture and Art

Please join us for the fifth Tom Bass Memorial Address on Thursday 5 October, 6 – 7pm at the Nelson Meers Foundation Auditorium, Chau Chak Wing Museum, University of Sydney. 

From Pheidias, Polykleitos and Praxiteles to Michelangelo, Picasso and Rodin, the Classical ideal and form of ancient Greek sculpture has long inspired and influenced the creativity of later artists.

This public lecture given by University of Sydney’s Associate Professor Lesley Beaumont is offered in memory of TBSSS founder Tom Bass AM. The lecture traces the echoes of the Classical imagination in Renaissance and modern sculpture and art, and highlights the radical re-invention of the Greek artistic heritage in the post-antique world.

To read more about Associate Professor Lesley Beaumont and book your ticket, please click here.

We thank Lesley and the University of Sydney for partnering with us for this special event.

Images above, left to right: Belvedere torso, 1st Century CE, Museo Pio-Clementine, Vatican Museuns. Photo: Yair Haklai. Wikimedia Commons. Rodin, The Thinker, California palace of Legion of Honor. Photo: Karora, Wkimedia Commons. Tom Bass, The Student, University of Sydney.

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